GreenTech Affiliates in Houston Bring Ozone Technology to Those in Need

juillet 07, 2020

On August 25, 2017, Category 4 Hurricane Harvey slammed into the coast of Texas causing $180 billion in damage affecting more than 13 million people throughout five states. The hardest-hit area, the city of Houston received two feet of rain within 24 hours, forcing 39,000 people to evacuate their homes and leaving 1/3 of the city underwater. Once the storm had passed, it had damaged 203,000 homes from rainfall levels exceeding 50 inches in some areas.

For some homes, the water remained for multiple days. Once it finally receded and families were able to access the damage, the real devastation was evident. It would take days of removing furniture, clothing, bedding, valuables, and precious belongings. Drywall and floors were stripped and torn out. Foundations were laid bare to dry. It didn’t take long for mold and mildew to set in, causing a cleanup process that can be overwhelming and expensive.

Texas native and indoor environmental expert, Darwin Campbell was quick to jump to action for his community. As a seasoned distributor of indoor air purification technology, Campbell knew that the power of the technology available through the GreenTech air purification line could make a tremendous difference to the people of Houston and its surrounding area. Campbell didn’t hesitate to pick up the phone and contact GreenTech CEO, Allen Johnston to discuss what could be done to provide this vital technology as an aid to those whose homes had been flooded by Harvey.

Johnston and Campbell devised a plan to donate dozens of air purification units to the relief efforts – specifically, a unit called PortOzone. PortOzone is the most powerful remediation product in the residential air purification line at GreenTech environmental. While being compact and portable, it produces high levels of ozone to shock the indoor environment and kill any exposed mold or mildew. Ozone is enriched oxygen that reverts back to normal oxygen after a short period of time and leaves no chemical residue. When used for remediating after a flood, this process of shocking the environment requires that no humans or pets are present during the treatment.

Johnston’s experience in mold remediation drives his passion to make a difference for those living in the aftermath of the hurricane. “For most homeowners, the cost of hiring a remediation company to deal with the mold is cost-prohibitive. Even for those who can afford it, the remediation industry in the area is so overwhelmed that treatment sometimes gets put off for weeks or months,” said Johnston.

Campbell went to work quickly to distribute the PortOzone units in the flood-affected areas. The first place for treatment was a local church that had severe flooding throughout the building, including the main worship hall. “The PortOzone treatment totally changed everything, ” claimed Campbell, “After running the unit for just two days, the congregation was able to worship in the church without the mold and mildew odors that had permeated the sanctuary from the flood. Everyone has commented about the difference!”

Campbell also distributed units to the surrounding area through Habitat for Humanity and other local organizations with a goal to reach over 500 homes with the units he has available. The benefit of PortOzone is the ability to use one unit to treat a home and then pass it on to the next family in need. The downside, at the moment, is the overwhelming need in the hurricane-affected areas. Campbell expressed, “We just can’t get to folks fast enough. People who haven’t used PortOzone are still living in their homes with mold and mildew.”

For those who have been able to receive the purification treatment in their homes, the results are exciting and hopeful. Campbell shares, “After you treat a room you can just see the difference. It’s amazing! It’s pretty exciting to see the results of a small unit that does such a big job.

“The results of PortOzone have led many of the Houston residents to see the value in active air purification, resulting in significant interest in GreenTech’s full line of products. Campbell expressed with great emotion, “It’s a life-changing experience to know the technology, use it, and experience it because it makes your life so much healthier.” Whether contamination comes from flooding, pet dander, allergens, or the typical air pollution that compounds indoors from chemicals and bacteria, the pureAir product lineoffers a solution to every indoor environmental pollution.

When asked about the mission that Johnston has as GreenTech’s CEO, Campbell shared, “Allen’s story is a wonderful story. I continue to be impressed with the technology and development. I’m thrilled about how this company started and where it’s going. They are dedicated to helping people improve their indoor air to live happier and healthier every day.”

The efforts of Campbell and many other people in the Houston area have just begun to have an impact on flood-affected areas. Over the next several weeks they have plans to continue treating homes and businesses throughout the area with hopes that this will keep the area’s families from dealing with the detrimental effects of mold and mildew exposure.

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