Commercial HVAC Air Purification Shows 99% Effective Rate Against Aggressive Infectious Bacteria

janvier 29, 2021

Testing shows proprietary Active Radiant Catalysis (ARC®) technology is an effective preventative measure for office buildings, schools, and fitness facilities.

pureAir HVAC Lab Test

The proof is in the purification! GreenTech Environmental is excited to share the latest round of laboratory testing results for its proprietary ARC® technology.  

The test results confirm, by replicating nature’s purification process, ARC pureAir HVAC technology actively reduces risk of exposure to air and surface bacteria. 

By implementing safe and effective ARC HVAC technologies, commercial and municipal operations can provide an additional layer of protection for students, customers, and employees increasing productivity and preventing unwanted disease spread.  pureAir HVAC is available for home installations too.

First developed by NASA to maintain a clean spacecraft environment, ARC technology combines UV light powered catalytic reactions and charged ions to neutralize contaminants on surfaces and in the air. ARC technology is considered an “active” technology because the air itself becomes a continual cleaning process without filtration. 

Lab results showed GreenTech Environmental’s ARC HVAC technology reduced a highly infectious, hard-to-treat, strain of staph bacteria, methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), by 99% in a controlled environment. This penicillin resistant strain of MRSA is also resistant to drying and survives on surfaces and fabrics for extended periods of time, making this bacterium particularly difficult to kill.  

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) says athletes, day care and school students, military personnel, inpatients and surgical patients are particularly at risk for MRSA as it can be spread through both infected personal items and direct contact.  

GreenTech Environmental reminds everyone to follow all CDC recommendations for MRSA including handwashing, covering of wounds and avoidance of sharing personal items such as towels and razors.  

Find out more about our ARC technology, commercial products, and residential products. Or contact our knowledgeable customer service team at 800-957-1136 during business hours.

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ARC Technology

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