Bringing Clean Air to Australia

juillet 09, 2020

Bringing Clean Air to Australia - Australia Day

Depending on where you live, there are certain environmental factors that you almost wake up considering. Temperature and precipitation can play a big role in your daily activities. In some parts of the world, major snowstorms are making it impossible to leave the home, while in others, storms and flooding make commuting to work or school difficult. 

In an unprecedented event, more than 1.5 million acres of the southern half of Australia from Brisbane through New South Wales and Victoria have been engulfed in bush fires since November 21st. 

For the millions of people who live in or around these fires, the air they breathe is the first thing on their minds. Unfortunately, they face a reality where the air outdoors – and indoors – is hazardous for their health. People on their morning commute are now checking the air quality ratings on their phones. All of a sudden everyone is discussing safe levels of air particulates.

The Washington Post reported that inside bush-fire smoke, water vapor intermingles with tiny particles measured in micrometers. It also contains gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and carbon monoxide. Wood dust from exploded trees and chemicals from melted tires and scorched steel also hitch a ride.

To measure the health risks of air pollution, the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) uses an Air Quality Index (AQI) based on measurements of the concentration of particulate matter. 

  • An AQI of 67 to 99 is considered “fair
  • An AQI of 100 to 149 is “poor"
  • An AQI of 150 to 200 is “very poor”
  • An AQI of 200+ is “hazardous” 
The AQI hit 4,650 on New Year’s Day in Canberra, the capital city of Australia.
The hazardous air isn’t only lingering outdoors, but even inside the homes of our Australian neighbors. Firefighters are responding to hundreds of false fire alarms through the night due to smoke seeping into homes. Australian residents can’t escape the smoke to find clean air. They’re taping the doors and covering vents as much as possible, but it’s nearly impossible to keep the air healthy for their families.
Depending on your age and health of your respiratory system, prolonged smoke inhalation can cause shortness of breath, sore throat, cough, asthma, or even more serious illnesses that could lead to death. Many healthy adults respond to smoke inhalation by coughing, as it’s the lungs' quickest way to remove particulates, but the result is a buildup of scar tissue that can have lasting effects on the lungs' ability to function.
Finding a solution to the air quality in Australia can be difficult, but not impossible. This is why air purification companies like GreenTech Environmental work with victims of poor air quality to aid them in their search for clean air.

GreenTech Environmental offers many solutions to keep the air in your home or office clean, even during events of extreme smoke like the bush fires of Australia. The active air purification of GreenTech’s pureAir 3000 immediately begins destroying all particles in up to 3,000 square feet of space, even the smallest particles that a HEPA air filter cannot catch. Instead of requiring all of the room’s air to pass through the filter, pureAir 3000 propels the purification technology into the room, destroying it immediately upon contact both in the air and on the surfaces. 

For those who must travel outside the home to commute to work or school, GreenTech offers a unique solution that surpasses the performance of any particulate mask. pureAir SOLO is an air purifier that can be worn around your neck, repelling all air pollution, smoke, or particles away from your face and breathing space. 

Customers of pureAir SOLO throughout the United States are experiencing relief from the smoke caused by local wildfires. For example, Loria writes, “I was experiencing a lot of headaches due to the smoke here in Central Oregon from all the fires in the Pacific Northwest. I turned it on whenever I wanted to go to/from the car. When the smoke filled the office at work, I was able to have this on – and didn’t have any problems.” Connie also reviewed, saying, “I also tried it when the smoke from the fires 350 miles away filled our office – and it helped then, too!”

  • GreenTech Environmental is not only helping those in Australia suffering from poor air quality by providing the most advanced air purification on the market. We are also donating a portion of our sales during this weekend to the victims of the Australian bush fires to honor Australia Day, which takes place on Sunday, January 26th.

    Visit GreenTech Environmental today to learn more about the advanced air purification technology that is saving the air quality of those affected by wildfires around the globe. Purchase a purifier on January 24-26 and $2 of every online sale will be donated directly to Greening Australia to support the human and animal victims of the bush fires.

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